
#WarriorWednesday we salute veteran and small business owner Shane Weddle.

#WarriorWednesday we salute veteran and small business owner Shane Weddle.

Serving our country is ingrained in Shane’s bloodline- both his grandfathers served in WWII and his father was a Vietnam-era Marine. This led Shane himself to serve on active duty in the US Navy and subsequently as a reservist in the Indiana Army National Guard.

Shane's experience, both in the military and in the civilian sector, shaped a remarkable career that eventually led him to entrepreneurship. Shane purchased FASTSIGNS® in Fort Walton Beach, FL, in 2021. He believes in taking care of his team, which consists of primarily military-connected people, including veterans, a military spouse, and a reservist currently deployed to training. Ensuring that his team is taken care of financially and has a good work/ life balance is incredibly important and rewarding to Shane in his business. He also consistently uses his business as a way to give back and connect to his Panhandle community.

Shane is a proud husband and father of four children and three grandchildren. Today and every day thank you, Shane, for your service to this country and your community.

Panhandle Warrior Partnership
hashtag#VeteransSmallBusiness hashtag#VeteransInTheWorkforce hashtag#VeteranEntrepreneurship