
Directional Signs

Directional / Wayfinding / Guiding Signs / Sign Maps / You Are Here Signs

Jefferson County | Louisville: Okolona, Newburg, Highview, Fern Creek, KY

Directional and wayfinding signs are used to provide the public with information about their surroundings. They help people find their way around in indoors, outdoors, consumer and government settings. Common types of directional / wayfinding signs include identification, directional, informational, and regulatory signs.


There are many distinct types of wayfinding signs, each with a specific purpose. Some signs help people find their way around in unfamiliar or complex environments, while others provide information about the surrounding area. Here are some of the most common types of wayfinding signs:


Identification signs are probably the most ubiquitous type of wayfinding sign. These signs simply identify a specific location, person, or thing. They are often used in conjunction with other types of wayfinding signs to provide complete information.

Some examples of identification signs are:

  • Business name signs

  • Street name signs

  • Building number signs

  • Department name signs


Directional signs provide users with specific instructions on navigating your business space. They are used in conjunction with identification and informational signs to give a complete picture of the available routes and options. Directional signs help guide traffic on roadways, as well as inside and outside of businesses.

Some examples of directional signs are:

  • Arrow signs

  • Elevator signs

  • Staircase signs

  • Room number signs


Informational signs are designed to provide users with general information about your space. They are often combined with other types of wayfinding signs providing users all the data they need to stay safe, navigate, and move throughout your facility.

Some examples of informational signs are:

  • Welcome signs

  • Directory signs

  • Map signs

  • Restroom signs


Regulatory signs are a pro-active form of wayfinding that focuses on safety and liability issues and establishes boundaries—what is and isn’t acceptable in your spaces. You will see these signs in public places like parks and playgrounds and in private businesses. Regulatory signs are usually big and bold. They use short, straightforward language and clear graphics to get their message across quickly and effectively.

Some examples of regulatory signs are:

  • No parking signs

  • Do not enter signs

  • Fire exit signs

  • Smoking area signs


Directional and wayfinding signs are a vital component for many businesses. The importance of a wayfinding sign system should not be underestimated.

At FASTSIGNS® of Louisville, KY, we understand this and will provide your business, organization, or government building with high-quality directional / wayfinding signs. We serve the greater Louisville area, including Jefferson County, Highview, Newburg, Fern Creek, and Okolona. Contact us today to learn more about how to get started!

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