Each day, we are on the move, multi-tasking and consuming more information than ever before. Is your message getting noticed above the visual noise or is it getting lost in the crowd? An effective marketing strategy should include a number of different platforms and touch points. It takes multiple exposures to get your message successfully noticed and, sometimes, more exposure after that in order to drive action. These three ideas outline ways that you can extend your message reach to multiple locations.
1. Greet Customers and Visitors Upon Arrival
The moment someone pulls into the parking lot or passes by your building, outdoor identification and directional signs offer a first visual impression while silently assisting newcomers with where to go. Exterior signs identify your organization and can take many forms including site and monument signs, door and window graphics, and even branded doormats. If your organization operates on the go, company vehicles can benefit from branded wraps and vehicle graphics that communicate your products and services wherever they drive (or park).
2. Create Multiple Opportunities
Each sign and graphic in place helps serve as a point of contact between your brand and the customer. Utilize the different surfaces and elements in your space, regardless of its size, to create opportunities for connection with your brand message. Small spaces can feel larger with wall murals and graphics, while more spacious buildings have room for multiple dimensional signs, hanging posters and decor graphics. From the floors to the ceiling, your organization can communicate clearly in multiple places.
3. Update Often and Utilize Digital Displays
From restaurants and retailers to hospitals and corporate campuses, businesses and organizations are recognizing that our world is a digital place. Digital menu boards allow for constant updates, even minute to minute if needed, creating a more visual experience. Digital displays and content can spotlight new products, educate visitors on company history and keep patients informed. Banner stands and hanging prints can also be changed frequently to communicate relevant information while complementing the sign and visual graphics already in place.
To get your message noticed and remembered, create a sign and visual graphics plan that puts it in multiple places relevant to your target audience. Need help with consistent messaging in multiple areas? Tweet us @FASTSIGNS or share your thoughts with us on our Facebook page.