
Case Study - Austin Peay State University

The Challenge

Austin Peay State University (APSU) in Clarksville, Tennessee continues to apply their brand identity to new areas of their campus as opportunities arise to brand campus facilities and modernize the look and feel of the university.

The Solution

Large window graphics with the ASPU Governor’s logo were applied to atrium windows. A series of pole banners and flags promote the “Be a Gov” campaign. Window and door graphics identify various buildings and departments. The school’s transportation vehicles are wrapped to raise awareness in and around the community.

Interior acrylic signs and wall graphics extend the branding and create a welcoming environment. Branded wayfinding signs help students, faculty and visitors find their way. Imaged glass and etched vinyl with the Governor’s logo provide privacy and a branded look.

Austin Peay State University signs

Austin Peay State University signage

Austin Peay State University campus signage

In the athletic facilities, banners recognizing sponsors are displayed. Graphics are applied to scoreboards, and ADA and directory signs help fans get where they need to go. Concession stands are wrapped with APSU branding incorporated into the design. Large logo graphics are displayed in hallways and on doors, and decals of the mascot are displayed on walls and trash cans. Custom wall and elevator graphics identify suites. Near the stadium, a custom “Walk of Fame” display with metal plaques honors athlete alumni.

The Result

Immediately upon entering the campus, one grasps the spirit of the desire to “Be A Gov!”, and there is a visual cohesiveness to the university.

FASTSIGNS® of Clarksville is owned by Alan Grayson.

Austin Peay State University hallway signs