
Directional Signs

Directional / Wayfinding / Guiding Signs / Sign Maps / You Are Here Signs

Sacramento County | Sacramento, Downtown Sac, North & South Natomas, Rio Linda, CA

Directional signs, also referred to as wayfinding signs because they help people find their way, provide guidance and instructions. They are an important part of making sure people find their way efficiently, and safely. There are various directional and wayfinding signs, but some of the most common types include identification, directional, informational, and regulatory signs.


There are four categories of wayfinding signs: identification, directional, instructional, and regulatory. They serve a distinct purpose as stand-alone signs, and when used in conjunction with other wayfinding signs they create a comprehensive and efficient sign system.apartment wayfinding sign


Identification signs are the most common type of wayfinding sign. They are used to provide information about a specific location, such as a building, room, or area. Identification signs typically include the name of the place they are identifying and other relevant information, such as the address, phone number, or hours of operation.


Directional signs are vital in locations like Sacramento International Airport, where people need to find their way to key areas like ticketing, check-in, restrooms, and their gate. Directional signs provide information about the location, features, amenities, and exits within a space. They typically include arrows or other visual cues to indicate the direction of travel.


Informational signs provide general information about a space, or specific instructions for navigating it. They provide directions, warnings, and other vital information. Informational signs are typically found in high-traffic areas, such as airports, hospitals, and public transit stations. Business hours and smoking policies are examples of messages typically found on informational signs.journey christian church navigational sign


Regulatory signs communicate policies, rules, and laws. They are common in public spaces, such as parks, beaches, and schools.

Regulatory signs are both static and dynamic. Whereas static regulatory signs are usually posted in a fixed location, dynamic regulatory signs may change locations based on the needs of the space. Regulatory signs communicate things like speed limits, parking rules, and noise restrictions.

The most important thing to remember when creating directional and wayfinding signs is they should be straightforward and easy to understand. It’s important to use simple language and familiar symbols to make sure your signs will be effective.


North Sacramento is home to various businesses, organizations, and attractions that rely on directional and wayfinding signs to help people find their way.

We’re FASTSIGNS® of Sacramento / Natomas Airport Area, CA, and we can be your one-stop-shop for custom signs, banners, graphics, and any other visual you need. We make all kinds of signs including identification, directional, informational, and regulatory signs. We also design custom wayfinding solutions, complete sign systems, and wayfinding maps for large facilities.

Contact us today. We offer free consultations and estimates, and we're always happy to answer any questions you may have.

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