
Positioning Makes $32 = $60,000

Author: FASTSIGNS® of Charlotte, NC - Independence Blvd
Joshua Bell plays his violin

I had heard of this social experiment when it went viral a long time ago, but got a whole new perspective on it when I read about it in Allan Dib’s book.

The story is about Joshua Bell, one of the world's best musicians, playing one of the world's best violins. In the social experiment, he is dressed modestly and playing his music in a DC station during rush hour. He collected $32 in an hour. When Joshua Bell plays a concert, he earns about $60,000 per hour.

Same music, same violin, same musician.

This shows the power of branding and positioning. The way you and your business look means everything when your customer hears your price, no matter what service or product you’re selling. If someone walked up and asked Joshua Bell in the station to play at a wedding, what do you think the reaction will be when told it's $60,000 per hour? Don't you think there is someone who will pay that money just to say Joshua Bell played at their wedding?

I wanted to share this story because I thought it is amazing, especially now that I am in the signage industry. The difference that a few well thought out graphics can do in transforming an environment is enormous.

The Story from the Washington post:

The Video: