
Notre Dame Housing Sign

Notre Dame Housing

Increase Visibility to Better Communicate Services

The Challenge

Notre Dame Housing wanted to build awareness of their facility, which provides safe and affordable housing to seniors, veterans and people in the Omaha, Nebraska area who have experienced homelessness. With brand guidelines already in place, Notre Dame needed assistance applying the brand guidelines to the signs and graphics across their campus.

The Solution

FASTSIGNS® began the visual branding process by refacing the organization’s three aging exterior roadside monument signs. To increase visibility and transform the exterior of the campus, a building sign, U-channel parking signs and wayfinding signage were installed. Inside the offices, posters, fine art prints, wall displays, dimensional logos and custom-printed welcome mats were added. Identification signs, directories and wayfinding signs were placed throughout to help residents and visitors find their way around. Lastly, the Notre Dame Housing van was wrapped.

Notre Dame Housing Sign

Notre Dame Housing Mat

The Result

“Before, you could drive right by the facility and not realize it was there,” said FASTSIGNS’ Andy Danielson. “The signs and graphics give this wonderful organization a consistent brand look that is extended to each potential customer touchpoint, providing information and promoting their services. The signs and graphics help communicate what Notre Dame Housing offers the Omaha area, helping them continue their mission of providing service-enriched affordable housing and supportive services.”

FASTSIGNS of Omaha – 114th Street is owned by Bob Danielson.